Answers to your Frequently Asked Questions
1. Will my puppy still recognize me after Bootcamp is over?
(Our most frequently asked question!)
Of course! Sending your dog to Bootcamp is like sending a child to summer camp. They learn a lot, make new friends (both dogs and people), and when camp is over, they’ll be thrilled to see you and show off everything they’ve learned!
2. Is this training short-term compliance or long-term behaviour change? How do I maintain it?
Our training is designed for long-term behaviour change. To make sure new commands and behaviours become second nature to your dog, we ask you to practice the assigned homework daily. Consistency is key to lasting success.
3. What does “balanced training” mean to you?
Balanced training means correcting negative behaviour and rewarding positive behaviour. Instead of ignoring bad behaviour, we address it in the moment.
We reward dogs in four ways:
A verbal cue (we use 'yes')
A touch
A loose leash & collar
A food reward
For every correction, there should be ten times the praise!
4. When should I see results with my dog’s training?
You’ll see results almost immediately with Bootcamp and classes. Long-term success depends on consistent reinforcement. More challenging behaviours may take additional time and practice, but we’ll guide you every step of the way.
5. What happens if my dog comes home from Bootcamp and doesn’t listen to me?
We’ll walk you through how to correct your dog via phone, text, or email. If needed, we can schedule a private lesson (at your home or ours) to reinforce Bootcamp commands and address problem behaviours.
6. Do you work with dogs with aggression, anxiety, or reactivity?
Yes. Success depends on consistent training and understanding their triggers. Severe behavioural issues require long-term training. Bootcamp or private lessons are best, as we work with you first before training your dog.
7. Do you offer follow-up training sessions after my class or Bootcamp is over?
Yes! Once you’re a client, you’re always a client. If you need additional help, we offer private sessions (in-home or in public) to address ongoing issues.
8. Is crate time used only for punishment?
No! Crates provide a safe, comfortable space for your dog to relax—like a bedroom for a child. They can also be used as a time-out, but never as a punishment.
9. Is there a guide to refer back to for homework or commands? What if I miss a class?
Bootcamp: You’ll receive a Glossary of Terms to take home.
Classes: We provide a Homework Page with detailed explanations of each lesson.
Missed a class? We offer private lessons to help you catch up.